
Areas of Practice

Auto accident

Auto accident law pertains to the legal rules that determine responsibility for damage to persons and property in the case of an auto accident. This area of the law consists of the principles of negligence, as applied to this particular category of personal injury cases. While nuances exist, car accident victims in every state must prove the same basic four elements in order to recover compensation. These elements are: duty, breach, causation, and harm.

Here at KKMH Associates, we work hard to provide comprehensive solutions and advice in the case of such accidents and tragedy.


Personal Injury

In the case of a personal injury resulting from negligence or intentional harm, you or your loved one may be entitled to receive compensation for your mental, physical, and psychological injuries. Our team of experienced and dedicated lawyers will work with you to provide relief and closure in the case of such injury and carefully assess every detail of your case.

Our team of lawyers can help you receive your settlement with claims including, but not limited to: product liability, negligence, malicious intent, and causation.

We are dedicated to obtaining the very best recovery possible for you through experienced and professional representation, by helping our injured clients receive significant compensation for damages.